DeLight In Our Current Offerings

Central San Pedro Electrician

Electrical Contractor LIC # EIY334060
Our Work

About Us

Providing clients with power solutions they can depend on is our sole goal at Central San Pedro Electrician. This may be a light fixture repair, a circuit breaker replacement, or anything. What matters is that customers know they'll get the best from us every time we restore power. So far, so good, courtesy of our outstanding electricians and their unyielding dedication.

Year Established : 2009


As an electrical company, failure to help you out of an electrical fix is unacceptable. So, we constantly update our portfolio. You can expect fantastic light switch repair, electrical wiring, and GFCI outlet installation from us. As well as flawless circuit breaker upgrade and electrical panel replacement.

Working Hours : On standby for 24 hours daily, weekly, monthly.

Our Work